- We are opened to young female and male between the ages 8yrs - 27yrs in Tema and its environs who have the passion, discipline and the dedication to engage in music activities irrespective of their music background
- Contact Solomon Convenant Love who can answer any questions you may have. Alternatively you can contact the Choir Office at +233 542 095 537
- Consider coming to meet informally with Anthony Nii Obodai Torto, the Director of Music at any of our rehearsal days every Wednesday at five O;clock Pm (5:00pm)

If you’re considering becoming a member at Akem, you’ll probably have lots of questions. For this reason we have always found that the best place to start is for you to contact us to arrange an informal visit. This will give you a useful opportunity to ask questions about the life of a Chorister, to meet with members.
Coming to our rehearsals can be an opportunity for you to sing to the Director of Music. If then you still wish to be a member, you shall be taken through the process of becoming a member.
Kindly note that we are not looking for a fully-trained choristers. We have the ability and the environment to teach, develop and harness young and talented minds.
We look for an enthusiasm for music, reasonable concentration, and supportive family.
We do have frequent test whereby new members who have served a probational period of three months (3 months) are tested to check how well they have improved musically.
During the test you will be required to sing a song or play an instrument. This can be a simple song, even a hymn – just something you feel comfortable singing or playing.
Kindly note, this test if passed, qualifies you to become a full member of the choir.